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My First Stitch and Glue Canoe (trimmings and rounding edges)

Alick Burt

Hello Folks

Once the gunwales are glued the next task is to round their edges and put some trims on the decks.

The trims were made from some Sapele off cuts I had from another job and were glued in place before finally shaping their edges and chiselling the ends to suit the bow and stern.

Then the edges were routed on both the trims and the gunwales.

The underside of the gunwale at the bow and stern is too close to rout so it

is rounded with a block plane.

I also rounded the last two inches where the gunwale runs up to the trim by hand and gave them all a good sanding. The edges of the seat frames were also rounded with the router and sanded.

Once all sanding was complete I tidied up in preparation for varnishing.



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