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Building a Stitch and Glue Canoe Part - 4

Alick Burt

Once the parts are together the outside joins are taped with parcel tape. This is not permanent as it is just to allow the inside joints to be filled with resin without it all dripping through the other side.

The hull is turned upside down and the joints taped.

The boat is inverted so the seams can be taped
Hull turned upside down for taping the joints

Then it can be turned right way up and filling with resin can commence on the inside. This is done with a mixture of resin and filleting compound that is mixed to a peanut butter consistency. It is put along the joints as neatly as possible aiming to produce a neat fillet in the corner without spreading it too wide. Once this is tacky a strip of fibreglass tape is put over the top and more resin applied at intervals to finish the joint. Then it is left to set.

The boat is put the right way up so the joins can be given fillets
The hull is turned right side up and the joins filled with resin creating a fillet

This design has a pair of braces under the decks and I decided it would do no harm to fit these at this stage as long as I was careful not to drop sawdust etc on the wet joints.

Fitting a reinforcing strut under each deck.
Plywood braces are added.These will be under the decks when the boat is complete and provide extra strength.

Then I decided to spend the rest of the day cleaning up and assembling the seat frames. The joints are simple cut outs and are simply glued and screwed together.

Housing joints and screws hold the seat frame together
simple seat joints are glued and screwed together,

I also rounded the edges with my router and sanded them to tidy them up.

Rounded seat edge is cleaned up with an orbital sander.
sanding the seat frame edges after routing a radius.

and that's where I'll leave it for now. Thanks for reading.


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